PT Asset Management, LLC

Meet the Teams

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Portfolio Management


G. Michael Plaiss, CFA

Senior Portfolio Manager


Anthony Harris, CPA

Senior Portfolio Manager


Lars Anderson, CFA

Portfolio Manager


Mark Peiler, CFA

Portfolio Manager

Michael Isroff

Portfolio Manager

Senior Investment Team


Max Salk, CFA

Director, Corporate Credit


Mohammed Murad

Director, Municipal Credit Research

Sector & Quantitative Analysts

Nick Romero


Yuki Okai, CFA


Ryan Quakenbush-Wagner

Municipal Credit

Ariel Cohen, CFA

Municipal Credit

Matthew Franz

Corporate Credit

John LeClair

Structured Credit

Jack Bergida

Jack Bergida


Gavin Rathjen


Akshay Hegde

Quantitative Developer

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To view our Sales Territory Map, please click here.

Sean Dranfield, AIF

Chief Executive Officer

Taylor Huffman, CFA

Client Portfolio Manager

Colin Arnold

Director, Sales & Distribution

Kevin Miller

Director, Sales & Distribution

Regional Directors

Chris DiBattista


Austin Kight


Mike Nardone

NY | New England

Drew Nelson

NY | New England

Chris Zambrio

Mid-Atlantic | Southeast

Ryan Cassidy

Mid-Atlantic | Southeast

Joseph Rogers

Joe Rogers


Mark Tometich

South Central

Paul Stawarz


Internal Advisor Consultants

Evan Johnson


Lars Olson


Jonathan Roth


Murtaza Zaid

NY | New England

Jack Wenzel

NY | New England

Nolan Dubois

Mid-Atlantic | Southeast

Jeremiah Yi

Mid-Atlantic | Southeast

John McCloskey


Sam Gerry

South Central

Brooke Tyler


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Marketing Team

Kristal Remstad

Head of Marketing

Colleen Morris

Marketing Analyst

Gurpreet Singh

Marketing Project Manager

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National Accounts

Rachel Ford

Director, National Accounts

Erin Wennberg

National Accounts Associate

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Finance & Operations

Steve Hayes

Director of Operations

Annie Duffy

CCO & General Counsel

Alex Hanna

Operations Manager

Meagan Ondrick

Senior Fund Accountant

Chelsea Palmer

Business Analyst

Development Team

Rakesh Rikhi

Director, Principal Software Engineer

Prithvi Ponneboina

Software Engineer

Ryan Gilera

Software Engineer

Financial Professionals
Institutional Investors
Individual Investors
National Accounts

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